Privacy Policy

Private client personal information will only be seen by Anna Jones. If it is shared with anyone
else, e.g. parents, it will only be with the express permission of the client.
School and individual client financial information including bank account details will be shared with Lloyds Bank for payment of services.

How do I store the information?

I am committed to ensuring your information is secure. Guidance information is stored on a
password protected computer or encrypted memory stick until the report is published on
the Morrisby or Profiling for Success sites. It will then be deleted from the computer or
memory stick.
Any digital pre-guidance information forms about students/clients and handwritten notes
taken at the guidance discussion will be deleted or shredded following the uploading of the
report onto the Morrisby or Profiling for Success websites, or on completion of the private
client’s guidance report. This report will be sent to the client as an encrypted file via email.
Notes on discussions with private clients over the age of 18 may be kept for up to 2 years in
case further guidance is needed. If clients prefer that that this is deleted immediately then
please notify me and I will delete it
For private clients aged under 18, AMJ Careers will request parental/carer permission to
either retain or delete this information.

Your data protection rights

AMJ Careers is committed to ensuring the security of your information.
If there were a breach of security, the Information Commissioner’s Office would be
Under the Data Protection Act 1998, AMJ Careers will supply copies of personal data to
clients if asked to do so. Clients also have the right to request that AMJ Careers correct any
information that they believe is inaccurate or incomplete. If clients think that this is the
case, please email I will respond and correct any information
found to be incomplete.